
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Investing: New NFTs Being Built on Bitcoin
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Summary Notes:
Phillip discusses Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) built on top of Bitcoin, known as Ordinals. NFTs are used to represent digital assets and can be bought and sold by anyone. NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are like applications on the phone, with Android and Apple having their own apps.
0:00:01 Exploring Ordinals: An Introduction to NFTs Built on Bitcoin0:01:13 Exploring NFTs and Ordinals on the Bitcoin and Ethereum Blockchains
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Business: How to improve your financial focus as a business owner
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Summary notes:
Alison and Phillip discussed developing KPIs in order to better track the success of the business. Alison suggested performing frequent business and financial analysis which involves looking at financial ratios such as profit margin, employee turnover, customer turnover, and revenue growth.
KPIs are important in order to stay in control and have a better understanding of your business.
0:03:02 KPIs as a North Star: A Conversation on Measuring Performance 0:05:43 Discussion on Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Business Owners 0:10:09 Exploring the Pros and Cons of KPIs for Business Owners 0:11:42 Running a Business at a Loss: A Discussion on the Benefits of Low Profits
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Investing: The Benefits of Automated Rules-Based Financial Systems
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Summary Notes:
Money is information that is communicated through an economy. Every 50 or so years, the system gets smarter. In 1913, the Federal Reserve stepped in to create a distributed banking system. The Euro dollar banking system was outside of the US and was an informal bank network that linked the world's financial systems that started around the 1960s ish. This led to the Blockchain based financial system that was built after 2008, starting with Bitcoin. Bitcoin and Ethereum are both rules-based monetary systems that are programmed and can't be changed by a centralized group. Anybody can plug into the system and become a validator, and if a rule is broken, you lose your money. Staking is when validators put up money to support the system and get rewards for verifying transactions.Validators on the Ethereum blockchain receive rewards in ETH for verifying transactions. The more ETH a validator has, the more lottery tickets they can buy, increasing their chances of winning. The winner gets to propose a new block of transactions, but if they cheat they lose their tickets and ETH stake. This system is an automated way to enforce rules, and is more transparent than a traditional financial system, as everyone can look into the blockchain to see what is happening.
0:01:18 Discussion on the History of the Federal Reserve System 0:03:55 Exploring the Evolution of Money: A Discussion on the Impact of Trust and Transparency in Financial Systems 0:10:56 Exploring the Benefits of Blockchain-Based Financial Systems
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Real Estate: How wealth families buy homes
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Summary notes:
Many real estate buyers and sellers are stuck in the mindset of what the market was like 5 or 10 years ago when they last had a transaction. Buyers and sellers should not be basing future value off of past data. The key to aligning the everyday buyer with a home that matches what they are looking for is getting to the essence of what they want which at its core is likely long-term profitability, safety, abundance, and having their children educated well.
0:01:19 Wealthy Home Buyers: Negotiable vs. Non-Negotiable Elements 0:03:17 Real Estate Alignment: Understanding the Everyday Buyer's Mindset 0:08:09 Exploring Real Estate Investment Opportunities in the Dallas Metroplex 0:10:24 Inflation Matters
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Wealth Mindset: How to heal our relationship with Money
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Summary notes:
Everything is energy. Energy intelligence responds to the same laws regardless of form. When we think negative thoughts about money, then we can't be equal (in Harmony) with money in our Life Experience. That relationship must be healed for more money to flow into our Experience.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Wealth Mindset: Removing mental barriers around money
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Summary notes:
Wisdom is the fine tuning ability to look into a Universe of unlimited future possibilities and ONLY focus on the experiences that make us Feel Good.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Tax planning: IRS penalties for putting too much money into a Roth IRA
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Summary notes:
Roth and Traditional IRAs are special trust accounts allowed by the IRS to promote financial security for Americans in their non working years later in life. To incentivize tax payers to contribute, they allow special tax benefits as long the specific rules are followed. When those rules are broken, even if accidentally, there are penalties that can add up over time.
Alison and Phillip discuss those rules and penalties on this episode.
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wealth Mindset: How to shorten your financial learning curve
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Summary notes:
Our beliefs limit our understand. We are not able to understand anything outside the scope of our beliefs. Our Mind is literally closed to that idea until we open up our beliefs (Mind).
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Real Estate: The Generational Shift in Buying Habits
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Summary notes:
Interest rates affect the home buying process like never before. As interests rates swing up and down and up again, what should homebuyers do to put themselves in position to realize their dream of homeownership? Rob and Phillip discuss solutions on this episode.
Powered by Robert L. Lewis at Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Mar 06, 2023
Investing Opportunities around the $39 Billion CHIPs and Science Act
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Summary notes:
The Act provides grant money for semiconductor companies to build chip manufacturing plants here
Why? AI is the future and Data is the new oil. Computer chips are like neurons in the human brain. Neurons are the cells that process and transmit information through electrical, optical, and chemical signals. The more neurons (or chips) you have, the more intelligence you have access to.
Right now the world mostly gets their chips mostly from Taiwan which is right next to China and likely will get absorbed into China like Hong Kong.
It would not be wise to allow China to be in charge of providing the Neurons (chips) for the brains of competing economies. They could literally retard the US growth at will if they wanted.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Wealth Mindset: How to change limiting beliefs about money
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Summary notes:
We are only able to attract and keep the level of wealth we believe we deserve. The details of how it comes is not a problem we should worry about.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Business: Unlocking the full value of your business Part 2
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Summary notes:
In this conversation, Alison and Phillip discuss how to exit a business. They mention three common ways to do so: selling it to a third party, doing a merger and acquisition, or selling it to a family member. They also discuss what one should consider when selling their business, such as making it as automated as possible, taking advantage of chat AI and other technology, building a great team, and having systems in place to ensure that clients will stay on once they buy the business. They also recommend that one should start thinking about their exit plan when they start their business, and not wait until a year and a half before they want to sell.
0:01:32 Exploring Business Exit Strategies: Questions to Ask Yourself 0:03:12 Planning Your Business Exit Strategy0:07:57 Reimagining a Business for Efficiency and Time Savings 0:09:56 Planning for the Future: Forewarned is Forearmed
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Phillip Washington, Jr.

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Investing: Microsoft’s New AI Powered Search Engine
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Summary notes:
All the major tech platform companies are scrambling to develop their own artificial intelligence interface. In a world were data is the new oil, you have to have a way to gather data effectively at scale as a platform company.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Real Estate: Exploring the Future of Tiny Homes
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Summary notes:
Rob and Philllip discuss tiny homes and the progression of home sizes over the years. They consider how the wealth of people is increasingly dispersed and how this is reflected in the size of homes. Rob wonders what technically defines a tiny home and if there is a specific square footage requirement. They consider the possibility that tiny homes could become more popular as a result of economic trends.
0:01:07 Conversation on Tiny Homes: Exploring the Progression of Home Sizes Over Time 0:03:07 Conversation on Tiny Home Living and Investing Opportunities 0:09:56 Exploring the Possibility of Owning a Castle
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Feb 27, 2023
The Unlimited Investment Opportunities in a Hyperconnected World
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Summary notes:
Phillip discusses the idea of the Internet as a connected network of devices, with an emphasis on the potential for economic growth that this brings. It is suggested that understanding the context of the world being built gives an opportunity to make an infinite number of money-making investments. The podcast encourages people to take a deep dive into whichever aspect of the world they are interested in and to capitalize on the level of wealth that is available to them which is only limited by their Imagination.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Friday Feb 24, 2023
Web 3.0: A Guide to the Future of the Internet
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Summary notes:
Web 1.0 can be compared to a library, where information is organized and stored in a static way.
Web 2.0 can be compared to a marketplace, where users can interact with each other and share information.
Web 3.0 can be compared to a city, where users can access a variety of services and applications that are interconnected and automated.
To stay ahead of change and profit from it, it's helpful to understand the foundation that the future is being built on top of.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Business: Unlocking the full value of your business Part 1
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Summary of two part series:
Part 1 of this two part series discusses the importance of exit planning for business owners. It covers topics such as the importance of having a plan in place for when you want to leave your business, the different options available for exiting a business, and the importance of understanding the financial implications of an exit. It also provides advice on how to create an effective exit plan and how to maximize the value of your business when you decide to leave.
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wealth Mindset: Why rich people love debt and the middle class hates it
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Summary notes:
While it's often preached to the masses to hate debt, wealthy people use debt all the time. The difference lies in who is the slave and who is the master. When experts are giving advice to the masses, they are speaking from the standpoint that the masses are not disciplined and are slaves to debt, looking at the averages. Debt is a tool that can be used for wealth building, and it is neutral, not inherently good or bad. However, it is important to understand the system and how to underwrite risk effectively to ensure that debt is used beneficially. It is also important to not make assumptions and judgments about debt and the system, as there are people who may get taken advantage of by the system due to ignorance.
0:01:17 Exploring the Use of Debt by the Wealthy 0:03:46 Exploring the Benefits of Leveraging Debt as a Tool for Wealth Building 0:11:43 Exploring the Complexities of Banking and Wealth Building
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Real Estate: How to write a winning real estate offer
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Summary notes:
Philip Washington Jr. and Rob Lewis discuss how to write the best offer when purchasing a property. They emphasize the importance of having a qualified financial advisor and tax professional before making any decisions. They also stress the importance of researching the property and understanding market conditions in order to make the best offer. They explain the different strategies that can be used when making an offer, such as lowballing, bidding wars, and more. They also discuss the importance of considering counter-offers and being prepared to negotiate in order to get the best deal. Ultimately, they suggest that being strategic and doing research can help to get the best offer.
0:01:02 Analyzing and Writing Offers in a Merit-Based Market 0:03:08 Negotiating Real Estate Deals: Tips and Tricks 0:08:34 Understanding the Market, Clients, and Prospects
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Feb 20, 2023
Robots and Automation: The Laborers of the New Economy
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
In the late 1800s, technology allowed farming to require less people to produce the same amount of food. In the 1900s, technology allowed the industrial economy to produce more goods with less people as well.
The same thing is happening this century with robots and automation as the drivers. Each time technology replaces some jobs, new jobs are created. It makes the producers that stay in an industry super producers and gives birth new jobs never imagined before that typically bring higher pay and better quality of life.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Investing: ”How do interest rates affect investment returns?”
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Detailed Notes:
The Relationship Between Ms. Market, the Currency, and Investment Grade Assets:
(Ms. Market is my spin on Warren Buffett's famous Mr. Market references in his annual letters in the 80s and 90s)
Interest rates reflect Ms. Market's (the collective mind of all participants) interest in a currency.
For the sake of simplicity, let’s define a currency as the most accepted form of money in an economy for buying and selling goods and services.
For now, the currency for our economy and the global economy is the dollar so for the most part when you are hearing about interest rates in business and financial news they are talking about the rate of interest paid for borrowing dollars in the short term.
Why would anyone need to borrow money in the short term? There are tons of reasons, but the most important reason in the context of a large economy is to cover short term expenses for businesses and governments that can’t be covered by the cash they have in the bank. Because so much business is done through credit (buy now and pay later), it is super common for businesses to need to borrow money to run operations while they are waiting for payment on products they’ve already sold or services they have already performed.
I like to picture the relationship between Ms. Market’s interest in dollars vs her interest in investment grade assets as a seesaw with dollars on one end and investment grade assets on the other. Higher than expected short interest rate, reflects Ms. Market’s higher interest in owning dollars and her lower interest in owning investment grade assets (stocks, real estate, cryptocurrencies, etc). Lower than expected short term interest rates reflect her lower interest in dollars and her higher interest in investment grade assets.
The Consequences of Manipulating Ms. Market
The Federal Reserve (The Fed) is the banking organization for the US Government. It’s not a government organization, it’s literally their banker made of a conglomerate of banks with twelve member banks across the country each with a representative. They have lots of responsibilities, but their main responsibility is to make sure the US Government can borrow dollars at favorable rates to pay its bills.
For now, let’s not worry about how the Fed manipulates short term interest rates thereby affecting the mood of Ms. Market because that would take a while to explain and you might find it extremely boring. Just know that they have methods and means of manipulating the price of money (interest rates) in the short term.
Anytime man messes with natural laws of balance that operate the universe it comes at a cost.
Here’s how this translates to the relationship between Ms. Market (the collective mind of market participants), dollars, and investment grade assets in the short to mid term.
The Fed does its thing to manipulate short term interest rates. This eventually ends up causing the cost of living to rise faster than what Ms. Market was earning on the money she had saved in savings accounts (they pay close to the short term interest rate). Once Ms. Market realizes she’s being taken advantage of, she becomes upset, loses faith in the dollar, and moves away from the dollar which by default moves her towards investment grade assets that have been growing at a higher rate than the cost of living. The investment grade assets promising the most potential return tend to get the most of her attention regardless of their credibility. Ms. Market is now upset emotionally about basically being stolen from. Her thinking at this point is, “Well, I don’t know who to trust so I might as well go after the biggest bag.”
The momentum of Ms. Market’s anger eventually pushes her to become overstimulated and her attention gets focused way too far out into the future beyond her understanding which creates bubble manias (i.e., 2000s dot.com crash and crypto bubble in 2017). This creates a shortage of money in dollars in the economy which provides a cushion for the financial system.
That shortage of dollars needed for the system’s cushion leads to violent mood change in the opposite direction when Ms. Market realizes most of the investment grade assets promising the biggest bags were all talk and won’t have the dollars to give her back the money she invested. Now she moves into panic mode and she begins focusing all of her attention (invests her money) in dollars and that sucks lots of money out of the economy which slows down business and depresses asset prices (The Financial Crisis of 2008). This creates a shortage of money in the economy.
How to Attract the Heart of Ms. Market and Maintain Her Trust Over the Long-Term
Over the long term however, Ms. Market is attracted to Balance as dollars go into investment grade assets at a steady pace to finance the growth of the new ideas that create the ongoing evolution of mankind. No different than the individual maturing process we all go through as we have new experiences. “As within, so without.”
How does she find Balance? That can be found through what we finance nerds call price discovery and psychologists call the maturity process that happens through life experience.
The cool part about being an individual participant in the market (an investor) is we get rewarded when we mature in our understanding faster than the market. The Patient Optimist wins the heart of Ms. Market over the long term as it shows her it's exciting and reliable, fun and grounded, peaceful and about that life…Balance.
Here’s a very grounded way to find balance in your investing approach:
Maintain a solid cash cushion to cover expenses in an emergency.
Plan properly for other short to mid term cash that may come in in the near future.
Have at least a 10 year investment horizon.
Dream, brainstorm, and educate yourself on how the world might look 10 to 20 years from now (here's a cheat code…observe teenagers and twenty year olds and what they are into).
Invest in assets and companies that have teams with a patiently optimistic mindset that are building the future you see.
Use the moods of Ms. Market to your advantage. Have Faith when she doesn’t. Be measured when she gets overstimulated. Be the emotionally mature investor she is attracted to and you will be surprised at how she blesses you over time.
Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser and Host of the Wealth Building Made Simple Podcast. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Ethereum: The ”Apple Operating System” of Web 3 (Bonus episode)
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Summary notes:
Ethereum is the most networked protocol in the crypto space and is used for powering NFTs and decentralized finance. Ethereum has recently completed a major protocol change which piqued the interest of many people who wanted to see if the transition went relatively smoothly, which it did.
Another big reason for increased interest in Ethereum is in response to the centralized crypto exchanges that went under due to human error. The most used Protocol to power Decentralized finance tokens is Ethereum. DEFI exchanges are making it through the centralized crypto exchange crashes relatively smoothly, showing the power of a distributed network and highlighting the need for using smart contracts and automated systems. This will likely attract many more non technical participants to Ethereum and its applications, as it is seen as a reliable and secure platform.Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are likely going to revolutionize the economy and the way we access content and assets. NFTs can be used to give artists like Beyonce special access to their fans, allowing them to offer exclusive perks and benefits to token owners. NFTs can also be used by businesses to bypass banks and raise money from customers without any bank involved. In addition, NFTs can be used to create assets and increase the value of a company's balance sheet. Ethereum is the token most often used to build these types of platforms. NFTs are a great way to create a more transparent and incentive-based economic system.
0:01:42 Exploring the Benefits of Ethereum and Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
0:04:54 Exploring the Benefits of Ethereum: A Discussion on the Difference Between Ethereum and Bitcoin 0:06:59 Exploring the Benefits of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for Artists and Businesses 0:11:40 Exploring the Benefits of Investing in Ethereum 0:14:56 The Benefits of Investing in Ethereum and Bitcoin
Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
2023 Tax Strategies for Investors
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Summary notes:
In this episode Alison and Phillip provide tips for financial advisors to know for their clients and for clients to ask their financial advisor about. These tips include understanding the tax implications of any investment or strategy, keeping up with tax law changes, understanding the types of investments and deductions available, the advantages of using a Roth IRA for retirement planning, importance of setting up a 401(k) for business owners, and planning ahead for any changes in income. They also discuss the importance of keeping accurate records of income, investments, and deductions.Around estate planning Alison and Phillip discussed the fact that retirees might want to understand the tax impact of their legacy money so that beneficiaries don't face any surprise tax bills upon receiving the inheritance. The discussion brought in the idea of a backdoor Roth contribution and a few other ideas. Lastly, the conversation discussed the idea of maximizing deductions by bunching charitable contributions into one year, with the donor advised fund being the suggested method for having the biggest impact on charities of choice.Timestamps0:01:43 Discussion on Converting Traditional IRA to Roth IRA 0:03:40 Exploring Tax Strategies for Retirement: A Conversation with a Financial Advisor 0:10:11 Charitable Giving Strategies for 2023 0:12:19 Maximizing the Gift: Utilizing an Irrevocable Trust to Provide Tax-Free Benefits to Your Children 0:14:09 Financial Planning Strategies for Leaving a Legacy
Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Investing: Alternatives to saving inside college savings plans
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Summary notes:
Phillip talks about college education planning and why parents don't have to save inside college funds for their kids.
This conversation is mostly about how wealthy families plan for their finances and how regular families can maximize their resources. It is important to have reserve capital that is accessible in case of an emergency, and this money should not be locked up in retirement plans or college funds. It is important to plan and save for future home purchases, college for kids, financial independence and other important life goals. It is possible to have a bucket of money saved for all these goals and access it if needed. It is becoming more common for kids to be self-learners and have skills that can be used to make money and may not need college. They may still go to college, but they may be able to pay for it themselves or get a scholarship.
Locking children into one path is not beneficial and it may make sense for them to pursue what they are interested in and have the means to help if they choose a different path than college.
0:01:10 The Benefits of Having an Asset Stack for Wealth Building
0:03:37 Understanding Liquid Assets and College Savings for Wealthy Families
0:09:28 Cash Flow vs. College Savings Plans: Exploring Optionality for Education Funding
0:10:54 Financial Planning Strategies for Wealthy Families
Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Real Estate: Is the market on the brink of a crash?
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Summary Notes:
Phillip and real estate expert Rob Lewis Jr. discuss whether or not the real estate market is in the process of crashing.
Prices started to come down around June of 22. Prior to this, many people were paying more than the appraised or market value for properties. Prices started to level out around November of last year by some metrics. Experts predict that there will be a decline in prices from November of 22 to November of 23, but from March of 22 to March 23, prices are expected to remain even.
Rob points out the DFW market is outperforming the national market and he and Phillip discuss the benefits of moving to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, which is seeing an influx of different types of businesses, from financial to hospitality, logistics and tech.
0:02:21 Home Prices in the DFW Market: An Overview of the Current Market Trends 0:04:55 Exploring the Benefits of Investing in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Real Estate Market
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Feb 13, 2023
Reap the benefits of alternative retirement strategies
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Summary notes:
Investors do not need to solely rely on traditional retirement funds to save for retirement. In fact, there are many other methods investors can take advantage of in order to build their wealth. Philip shares information on the various strategies and investments one can utilize to build their financial freedom.
Phillip discusses an analogy that explains a concept around how the universe and our understanding of the universe evolves. The idea is that our universe might exist inside a black hole, and how this theory is supported by scientific mathematics. The current facts we know about the universe will continue to evolve as our knowledge expands. Black holes are formed from an explosion of energy that was once an old universe and turns into a new universe. This process of creation is also seen throughout every aspect of creation, with the breakdown of the old and the expansion of the new.
This analogy parallels how all ideas in our world have a birth and death lifecycle as we expand into eternity our awareness of what’s possible…including around money and planning for financial freedom. Retirement is a relatively new concept, and most people don't execute it properly. It puts too much pressure on people in Phillip’s opinion. Instead of saving for retirement, people should instead focus on Financial Freedom Planning. This involves having a certain level of assets that generate an income, but the assets don't have to be in a retirement plan. It could be saved in real estate, an investment brokerage account, or dividends from a business. Very few people have built wealth from saving in retirement plans.
In Phillip’s experience, wealthy people prefer to invest their money in brokerage accounts because it adds optionality and flexibility. Through Financial Freedom Planning, people can still achieve financial freedom without the pressure of retirement.Retirement plans can be a great way to save for the future, but they are not the only option. There are other ways to plan for retirement that have the potential to be more effective and provide more financial freedom.
For example, someone who has a lot of money not shackled by the restrictions of a retirement plan is able to utilize that money to acquire rental properties, which could help them become financially free much sooner.
Ultimately, everyone should think about what works best for them and their goals.
Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
0:01:22 Exploring the Possibility of Living in a Black Hole: A Discussion on the Expansion of Knowledge and the Process of Creation 0:03:37 Exploring Alternative Retirement Planning Strategies for Financial Freedom
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Friday Feb 10, 2023
Investing: Navigating the Future Economy with Clear Understanding
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Summary notes:
John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie are two classic examples of people who understood the future of an industry. Rockefeller understood energy during the Industrial Revolution and Carnegie understood infrastructure. JP Morgan was the financier that understood the future and organized capital from the UK to invest into early America. Warren Buffett is known as the finance king of the service age. Bob Johnson and Oprah Winfrey understood the future of media for cable TV. Jay Z made a fortune understanding how to sell music and other goods through continually evolving media outlets.
To achieve understanding, it is important to have an open mind and not judge the perspective of others. Understanding is key to success, as it leads to being able to predict the future and make beneficial investments
0:01:45 Understanding Perspective and Open Mindedness in Investing 0:04:06 Financing and Media Revolutionaries of the Industrial and Service Ages 0:06:08 Understanding the Impact of Volatility on Investors and Workers in a Changing Economy 0:10:21 Understanding the Youth and the Impact of Inflation0:13:13 Having Faith in the Next Generation
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Business: Planning for a stress-free tax season
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Summary notes:
Alison and Phillip discuss the importance of keeping detailed financial records, taking advantage of available tax deductions, creating a plan for managing your finances, advice around budgeting and setting financial goals. Ultimately, the conversation centered around the importance of having a plan in place to build wealth and managing finances in order to reach your goals.
0:01:04 Tax Filing Season: Tips for Preparing Your 2022 Returns
0:03:06 Conversation on Tax Preparation and Organization Tips
0:07:36 Discussion on the changes in Tax Deductible Entertainment Expenses for Businesses
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Real Estate: Navigating potential rental regulations
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Summary notes:
Robert and Phillip discussed the importance of understanding the rules and regulations around potential rent increase laws being discussed in Washington. This could be difficult for landlords who want to charge market rates for their properties. The proposed legislation is targeted towards larger corporate rental companies, but mom and pop landlords are more likely to feel the brunt of the impact if not prepared. .They give a couple of ideas on how to position yourself if you’re a landlord who might be impacted if this legislation goes into effect down the road.
0:00:59 Discussion of Proposed Rent Control Legislation and Its Impact on Rental Property Owners 0:03:40 Discussion on Protecting Real Estate Investments in the Face of Political Change 0:07:06 Exploring Options for Diversifying Real Estate Investment 0:09:17 Evolving with Change
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Bitcoin Mining: A New Solution for Affordable Housing
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Summary notes:
Housing is becoming increasingly expensive for the average person, even in Texas. Land is not the limiting factor when it comes to building communities and cities. Instead, the preference of where people want to live is dictated by the economy. The digital economy has opened up opportunities for people to work from anywhere, meaning that energy companies and developers are now able to build out in areas that are not currently populated. Bitcoin miners provide an opportunity for energy companies and developers to collaborate, as the miners are willing to make the upfront investment for energy and the energy companies can provide lower energy costs. This opens up the ability for cities to be built in areas with cheaper energy costs and incentives can be provided by local council members to attract developers.
All of this reimagines the way cities are built, and opens up new opportunities.
0:01:17 Exploring the Impact of Bitcoin Mining on Urban Development in Texas 0:05:26 Exploring the Potential of Bitcoin-Friendly Towns
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Monday Feb 06, 2023
A New Era of Knowledge: Exploring the Evolution of the Knowledge Economy
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Summary notes:
The way we work has been changing in a major way for a few decades now. It started with the displacement of manufacturing jobs being shipped overseas in the early 2000s. Now, knowledge workers are facing an evolution in their field, which includes the death of the way of doing things and the rise of new ways of doing things with automation and artificial intelligence.
A knowledge worker is someone who provides services based on their specialized knowledge. The salaries in that sector of the economy is estimated to be around $30 trillion, and is now being reshaped by the introduction of artificial intelligence.
AI will continue to get smarter, and will soon be able to take on more complex jobs. As AI gets smarter, it is likely to eat up more and more jobs, and in a decade it is difficult to predict just how intelligent it will be. Examples of AI already being used at scale in the present day are social media companies, Teslas, Google, and Apple.
AI could also revolutionize the way small and medium sized businesses operate. Using a law firm as an example that spends $4 million a year on salaries to generate $10 million in revenue. In the future, AI could be used to reduce the cost of salaries to a subscription fee of let’s say $100,000 a year, creating more profit for the business. AI will be able to process data and provide context in a way that no human can, making it a valuable tool for businesses. However, the transition to AI will also mean the loss of many jobs, though new positions will be created to manage the AI systems.What makes a great CEO of a company or a great coach of a football team, is their ability to focus and bring out human capital. The same skill set will be needed for maximizing the minds of AI. Timestamps
0:02:40 Exploring the Knowledge Worker Economy and Its Impact on Artificial Intelligence 0:05:45 AI Replacing the Role of Content Research Assistants
0:06:58 AI and the Future of Knowledge Work: A Discussion on the Impact of Automation on the Legal Industry
0:11:47 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Legal Industry
0:13:46 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Evolution
0:15:45 The Impact of Human Adaptability on Investment Strategies
0:19:50 Investment Strategies for Achieving Financial Security

Friday Feb 03, 2023
Data is the ”oil” in the new digital economy
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Summary notes:
Data is becoming a more valuable asset as technology advances and we move more into the digital age, just as oil was an important resource in the industrial age.
Companies are now utilizing data in order to improve their services and products. By utilizing data, companies can make more accurate decisions, reduce risk, and optimize processes. Additionally, data can be used to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.
John D. Rockefeller is a famous figure in the history of the industrial economy due to his efficient and disciplined refining process. He capitalized on the need for oil as an energy source by investing in efficient processes and raising lots of capital to do so. He was also known for cooperating with other refiners and buying them out for generous prices, building a massive oil empire in the process. Fast forward to the digital age, where artificial intelligence is a key driver of the economy and the companies that mirror John D’s business acumen will have a solid dominant competitive advantage. AI has the potential to replace knowledge workers in many industries, such as consulting, financial planning, healthcare, and law. Companies such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have already made money by gathering data on consumer preferences. Companies that have access to high quality and high quantity of data will be able to sell it to companies that are building AI. Two examples of companies that have already integrated AI into their products are Tesla and Google, who have access to a large amount of data that can improve their products.
0:01:17 John D. Rockefeller and the Industrial Economy: A Reflection on the Power of Efficiency and Cooperation 0:03:46 Exploring the Value of Data in Artificial Intelligence 0:11:23 AI and Data: The New Oil of the Digital Age
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Thursday Feb 02, 2023
The Truth about Money
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Summary notes:
Philip discusses the truth about money. He talks about the top ten misperceptions about money. The foundation of his view on money is that wealth is a symbol of a higher quality of life. Humans have evolved and become more knowledgeable over time, leading to a higher quality of life. Over time, this has allowed mankind to become wealthier and wealthier with no new resources added.
The increased knowledge leads to new innovations such as the invention of fire, the wheel, banks, the printing press, machines, automobiles, computers, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, and bitcoin, which have all helped to improve the quality of life.
In a free society, money flows to those who are using new technology and with positive perspectives, as well as to those who are able to apply the knowledge of previous generations to continue to innovate.
Phillip also touches on his belief that everyone is wealthy because wealth is a feeling that attracts the symbol over time and that we should focus on creating specific goals and desires to evolve our quality of life (wealth). Money doesn’t have to corrupt people. While some may become corrupt and use money to manipulate others, there are also those who use it to drive the whole society forward.
Money can be used for both good and bad purposes, depending on the perspective taken. It is important to understand that money is not the root of all evil, but rather it is our perspective of where our power comes from. Money should be seen as a symbol of an increase in quality of life, and as we raise our understanding and application of the laws of money we will increase our wealth in time.
Elon Musk and Warren Buffett are two examples of people who have attained immense wealth without viewing money as their source of power.
0:02:56 The Myths of Wealth: Money as a symbol of an increase in our quality of life
0:07:49 The Power of Money: Exploring the Different Perspectives of Wealth
0:10:20 The Power of Money: Understanding the Relationship Between Money and Stress
0:14:58 Topic: Relaxing About Money and Allowing it to Flow to You
0:18:17 Exploring the Relationship Between Money and Greed
0:20:50 Exploring the Impact of Greed and Jealousy on Wealth
0:25:27 The Impact of Jealousy and Money on Life Goals
0:26:52 The Power of Positive Mindset: How to Attract Money and Enjoy Life
0:31:11 The Power of Momentum: Understanding the Limitations of Money and Wealth
0:34:34 Understanding Why Money is Distributed Unevenly
0:37:00 Applying Ancient Wisdom to Achieve Wealth and Joy
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Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
The Building Blocks of the New Economy
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Summary notes:
Innovation is important to any economy, and one of the most essential component of this is new ideas. Typically, youth bring in these new ideas because they are the least resistant to change and have the most desire to create change.
The importance of having new ideas and entrepreneurs who can bring them to life is essential in the modern economy. Money is also a necessary factor in the economy, being attracted to new ideas and entrepreneurs. Additionally, organizers or managers are needed to keep everything flowing properly and help the new ideas come into place. Helpers are necessary to ensure that the entire process is successful.
Salespeople of the old days are being replaced by content creators as they are the people who know how to get people's attention in the digital age. Educators must also change their methods and focus more on the parts of our brains that computers can't replace, like creativity, inspiration, and emotional intelligence. There are many new industries coming up in the new economy, such as digital commerce, businesses, and workers, that need to be supported.
All of these components are essential for a successful economy and will continue to be important in the future.
0:01:59 Topic: Exploring the Cooperative Components of Economies Throughout History +0:10:13 Heading: The Changing Economy: Exploring the Roles of Helpers, Evangelists, and Educators in the New Economy 0:17:22 Exploring the Need for Digital Wallets, Blockchain Technology, and Healers in the New Economy
0:18:52 "Exploring the Opportunities for New Healers in the Age of Technology" 0:21:29 "Embracing Change in the New Economy
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Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Real estate: Designing cities around the new digital nomad generation
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Podcasters: Robert L. Lewis, Jr. and Phillip Washington, Jr.
Philip Washington Jr. and Rob Lewis of Ink Realty discuss the concept of reimagining cities for the digital nomad generation. The conversation begins by touching on the issue of housing affordability and the need for solutions to address the problem. Philip and Rob then discuss how the digital nomad generation is changing the concept of cities, as more people are choosing to work remotely and opting to live in cities on a part-time basis. They talk about the potential for cities to become more flexible and adaptable to the changing lifestyle needs of digital nomads. They also discuss some of the opportunities this could bring. People in their 30s and 40s who have money and don't need an office to work are looking for ways to own real estate and move around, creating a new kind of nomadic lifestyle. This is what Chip and Joanna did in Waco, Texas, creating an experience and taking advantage of the city's resurgence.
Rob is a realtor who offers real estate buying and selling services. He is reachable via cell phone at 214-225-3453 and email rob@inkrealtygroup.com.
0:00:01 Episode #7: Reimagining Cities for the Digital Nomad Generation with Rob L. Lewis
0:01:01 Heading: Exploring the Gap Between Old and New Real Estate Ideas for Profit
0:03:28 Heading: Exploring the Possibilities of Investing in Real Estate for Digital Nomads
0:07:58 Rob L. Real Estate Investment Consultation with Philip Washington Jr.
So you can be a destination type city for digital nomads who want to have different experiences in different cities.
Digital nomads want to own real estate. They're just not attached to a location.
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
This episode is from the go to podcast for Mansfield, Texas residents About Mansfield Podcast with guest host Steve Cosio.
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Friday Jan 27, 2023
The advantages of investing in innovation
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
Investing topics discussed:
Artificial intelligence
Digital wallets
Digital commerce
Genomics (gene editing)
Blockchain technology
3D Printing
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Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Business: Navigating layoffs, talent shortages, and artificial intelligence
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Podcasters: Alison Reiff-Martin, CPA and Phillip Washington, Jr.
These are themes business operators will have to navigate over the next decade. Alison and Phillip discuss positive perspectives around growing your business through this time period.
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wealth Mindset: Our Wealth mirrors our level of Faith in Abundance
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
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Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Podcasters: Robert L. Lewis, Jr. and Phillip Washington, Jr.
Rob and Phil discuss the record amount of real estate equity Americans are sitting on, why it's likely to increase over time, and ideas around how to use that equity to potentially increase wealth.
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
White collar jobs that will be replaced
How humans will evolve as we always have
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Friday Jan 20, 2023
Financial Planning: 3 income sources for achieving financial independence
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
In this episode, Phillip discusses:
How to calculate how much money you need to become financially independent
3 income sources for achieving financial independence
The benefits of short term financial goals along the way
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Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Tax Strategies for 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Podcaster: Alison Reiff-Martin, CPA and Phillip Washington, Jr.
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Economic trends series: How to navigate 2023 potential interest rates hikes
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Finding the home of your dreams: Think it ➡️ Feel it ➡️ Attract it
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Podcasters: Robert L. Lewis, Jr. and Phillip Washington, Jr.
Powered by Ink Realty and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Wealth Mindset: Emotions are the muscles of the Mind
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management and phillipwashingtonjr.com

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Wealth Mindset: How to magnetize our Mind to attract our desire
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
Thought we posted this episode last week, but we accidentally posted one episode twice!
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management and phillipwashingtonjr.com

Friday Jan 13, 2023
Wealth Mindset: Wealth Building Made Fun
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Podcaster: Phillip Washington, Jr.
Powered by Stone Hill Wealth Management and phillipwashingtonjr.com

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Advanced Planning: New 401(k) plan changes
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Podcasters: Alison Reiff-Martin, CPA and Phillip Washington, Jr.
Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Real Estate: Making home buying affordable in 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Podcasters: Robert L. Lewis, Jr. and Phillip Washington, Jr.
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